.. _use_repository: ############################# Using GitHub ############################# Create a New Repository ============================= .. sidebar:: GitHub user menu bar .. image:: _images/06_github-1.png + Visit the `GitHub website `_. + Click your name to go to your own page on GitHub. + To the right of your name, click the **+** to start a new repository. + Fill out **Repository name**, **Description**, and **.gitignore** entries. .. note:: The repository name should not contain spaces. + Click button :guilabel:`Create repository` to generate the repository. .. image:: _images/06_github-2.png GitHub will make a fresh repository and display its contents for you. Fork a Remote Project ============================= There is no need to start from scratch when creating a project. Instead, fork someone else's open source work. Login to GitHub, then: .. image:: _images/06_github-3.png + Click :menuselection:`Explore` from the GitHub page top menubar. + Click :menuselection:`Search` on the **Explore GitHub** menubar. + Type in a search string, then click button :guilabel:`search`. .. image:: _images/06_github-4.png + Click a repository name to display that repository. + Click the :menuselection:`Fork` button on the repository bar to fork a copy. .. image:: _images/06_github-5.png GitHub will make a copy of the repository and display it for you.