.. _use_rubyonrails: ############################# Ruby on Rails Sample App ############################# Sample Rails App ============================= Rails is the most popular framework for doing web applications with ruby. Many popular web applications such as Twitter, Hulu, and Github are written in Ruby on Rails. Running a simple RoR web app for development testing is relatively quick and easy in the Cloud9 environment. Get a sample rails app ----------------------------- #. First, fork a sample rails application on GitHub. Go to: https://github.com/aaltsys/payroll ...and click the :guilabel:`fork` button. GitHub will create a copy of the project on your account. #. Next, open your Cloud9 dashboard. Select menu item :menuselection:`Projects On Github --> Sample app` on the left sidebar. #. Then click button :guilabel:`Clone to Edit` to clone a copy of the project in your Cloud9 virtual workstation. #. Once the project is finished cloning to Cloud9, open the project workspace by clicking the :guilabel:`Start Editing` button. Install Ruby ----------------------------- Ruby is installed using :program:`RVM`, the Ruby Version Manager. Cloud9 provides a pre-installed emulation of RVM, which we will use. Open a terminal window in the rails sample app's Cloud9 project workspace. In the Terminal window, run the following command to check that RVM is working, and also choose a ruby version to use in this project:: rvm use 1.9.3 Install Gems ----------------------------- Run the command :command:`bundle install` to install all ruby gems from the project in your Gemfile:: bundle install Set up the database ----------------------------- Use the :command:`rake` (Ruby make) command to set up the development database structure:: rake db:migrate Test run app in Cloud9 ----------------------------- In the rails sample app's Cloud9 Terminal window, run:: rails s -b $IP -p $PORT Your app will be running now, served locally for testing. View the running rails app at :file:`http://__project-name__.__username__.c9.io`. .. note:: Use your own cloud9 username and project name in the URL to view your app.