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Deploy with Capistrano

Capistrano is a tool for automating deployment.

Install Capistrano

Install RVM:

curl -L | bash -s stable

Install Ruby:

rvm install 2.1.2
rvm use 2.1.2 --default

Install RubyGems:

rvm rubygems current
rvm use --create 2.1.2@demo

Install Capistrano:

gem install capistrano

Capify Project:

cap install

Configure Capistrano

Edit config/deploy/production.rb:

  1. Change the server setting to the correct server address,
  2. Change repo_url to the correct URL for your fork,
  3. Change deploy_to to the folder on the server where the code will be hosted (/var/www/html/[your-github-id])
  4. Change user to the user who has SSH access to the server (developer)


set :server, ''
set :repo_url, '[your-github-id]/html-demo.git'
set :deploy_to, '/var/www/html/[your-github-id]'
set :user, 'developer'

Edit config/deploy/production.rb:

  1. Change the app role setting to the correct user and server address,,

  2. Make sure that all of the other lines in the file are commented out (with a # at the beginning of the line),

  3. Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:

    set :ssh_options, {
     auth_methods: %w(password),
     password: 'techC@mp'


Deploy your application with the following commands:

cap production deploy:check
cap production deploy

Now What’s Missing?

We still have only one deployment environment, the production server. We would like to be able to test our code locally, then deploy to a shared testing server for collaborative development, then deploy to a staging server which mimics the production environment. At each of stage of this process, we would want to use an automated test set for the application and conformance testing for the client browsers. Only then would we deploy to a production server.