apt-get install <package>
apt-get install aptitude
aptitude install <package>
aptitude -f install
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
dpkg-reconfigure locales
date -s 2012-12-25 12:34:56
date -u -s 2012-12-25 04:34:56
hwclock --systohc --utc
hwclock --hctosys
ntpq -p
[1] | <http://www.howtoforge.com/useful_linux_commands> presents a list of useful Linux commands. |
[2] | Bash commands |
[3] | A list of Windows commands for comparison. |
Command name | Command function/description |
uname | provides information about the computer/system. |
wait | wait until process completes and returns a termination status |
wget | retrieves web pages and/or files. |
Command name | Command function/description |
ls | LiSts directory information about files |
rm | ReMoves/deletes file/folder directory entries |
mv | MoVe and/or rename file/folder directory name entries |
touch | Update/create file directory timestamp entries |
cp | CoPy file contents to new locations |
cd | Change the current working Directory |
mkdir | MaKes a new DIRectory folder if it doesn’t exist yet |
blkid | Lists BLocK device IDentifiers available to the system |
mount | Mounts a block device in the directory tree |
umount | Unmounts a previously mounted block device |
Command name | Command function/description |
grep | Global file [Regular Expression] text search and Print |
sed | command-based line-oriented System EDitor |
awk | command-based AWKward text-oriented editor |
Command name | Command function/description |
echo | |
printf | |
shopt | set SHell OPTions |
read | reads a line from standard input; gets user input |
Environment Variables are those which are predeclared and can be called from any program, script, or terminal.
Variable | Variable description of use. |
DISPLAY | The id of the working primary display |
HOME | Returns the present working directory |
LANGUAGE | Returns the present working directory |
LINENO | The line number of the statement being processed |
LOGNAME | name of the user logged into the terminal |
PATH | The search path for system commands |
PWD | Returns the present working directory |
SHELL | path to the active shell interpreter |
TERM | terminfo database terminal definition |
USER | name of the current user (different from LOGNAME due to su) |
Type env at the terminal to list global variables.
Below is a table of some of the variables exported by the BASH terminal.
Variable | Variable description of use. |
BASH | path to BASH command interpreter |
COLUMNS | Character columns defined in a terminal line |
EUID | The ID number of the current user |
IFS | string of characters to be treated as white space |
LINES | rows (lines) of characters in a terminal line |
MACHTYPE | string describing system type in GNU form CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM |
OSTYPE | string describing the operating system |
PS1 | The primary prompt string, defaults to “‘s-v$’” |
UID | The login ID number of the current login |
See also
Commands echo -e and printf will process embedded escape sequences, in the form \e[xx;yy;zzm, to produce formatted or colored text. For example,
echo -e "\e[1;42;95m Some text \e[0m" ;# print Bold;FG Light Magenta;BG Green
printf is not documented further here, but color commands and codes are.
Code | Color | | | FG | BG | Color | | | FG | BG | Color |
0 | Normal | | | 30 | 40 | Black | | | 90 | 100 | Dark Gray |
1 | Bold | | | 31 | 41 | Red | | | 91 | 101 | Light Red |
2 | Dim | | | 32 | 42 | Green | | | 92 | 102 | Light Green |
| | 33 | 43 | Brown/Orange | | | 93 | 103 | Light Yellow | ||
4 | Underlined | | | 34 | 44 | Blue | | | 94 | 104 | Light Blue |
5 | Blink | | | 35 | 45 | Magenta | | | 95 | 105 | Light Magenta |
| | 36 | 46 | Cyan | | | 96 | 106 | Light Cyan | ||
7 | Inverted | | | 37 | 47 | Light Gray | | | 97 | 107 | White |
8 | Hidden | | | | | ||||||
| | 39 | 49 | Default | | |
Instead of using embedded VT100 codes, the tput command can set terminal colors using a variety of arguments.
Command | Description |
tput setab (color code) | Set background color |
tput setaf (color code) | Set foreground color |
tput bold | Set bold mode |
tput dim | Set half-bright mode |
tput smul | Set underline mode |
tput rmul | Exit underline mode |
tput rev | Reverse mode |
tput smso | Set standout mode |
tput rmso | Exit standout mode |
tput sgr0 | Reset all attributes |
Code | Color | RGB values |
0 | black | 0, 0, 0 |
1 | red | max,0,0 |
2 | green | 0,max,0 |
3 | yellow | max,max,0 |
4 | blue | 0,0,max |
5 | magenta | max,0,max |
6 | cyan | 0,max,max |
7 | white | max,max,max |
The tput command uses a terminfo terminal definition, of which the default xterm definition serves the 8 colors listed above. For more colors, you can load xterm-256color. Commands demonstrating this color set follow:
export TERM='xterm-256color'
tput colors
for i in {0..255}
tput setab $i
echo -n " $i "
tput setab 0
export TERM='xterm'
or, this could be executed at the terminal as a single command:
export TERM=’xterm-256color’; tput colors; for i in {0..255}; do tput setab $i; echo -n ” $i ”; done; tput setab 0; echo; export TERM=’xterm’
See also
For more information, see the terminfo manpage.
Variables may have different scopes in bash shell.
Declared Variables are those which are assigned within a script. The value of a variable and its data type can be changed at any time by re-assigning it.
Global Environment Variables are declared and exported when a shell session is instantiated. A few useful Environment Variables are listed following:
Environment Variables | Variable description of use. |
$BASH | full filename used to invoke bash |
$EUID | effective user ID (number) of the current user |
$GROUPS | array of groups the current user is a member of |
$HOSTNAME | the name of the current host |
$IFS | characters treated as white space |
$LINENO | sequential number of executing line in a script |
$MACHTYPE | GNU cpu-company-system machine type description |
$OSTYPE | string describing the operating system |
$PATH | search path for commands |
$PPID | process id of the shell’s parent |
$PWD | when called, it returns the current directory |
$UID | user ID of the current user |
Type these commands into the terminal:
export NUMBER=12
echo "echo $NUMBER" > test-script.sh
bash ./test-script.sh
The value 12 should be returned, as that is the exported value of NUMBER.
Now, type:
echo "NUMBER=4" > test-script.sh
echo 'echo $NUMBER' >> test-script.sh
bash test-script.sh
echo $NUMBER
Notice that NUMBER is now equal to 4 within *``test-script.sh``, but it retains the value ``12`` at the terminal. If a shell script reassigns an exported variable, the variable is overloaded with a new local version *within the script, but the original assignment is retained in the shell session.
Exported variables must be assigned and then exported. Once exported, any script or command in the current shell session may reference the variable, but the value of the exported variable is cleared when the terminal is closed.